アトミックブロンドに憧れて、2017年11月から習い始めたクラヴ・マガ(英語: Krav Maga、ヘブライ語: קרב מגע)。映画の主人公、ロレーンが扱っているのはマーシャルアーツだけれど。
The prototype technology was invented by Imre "Imi" Lichtenfeld, a Jew who was born in Hungary and raised in Slovakia. His father, Samuel Lichtenfeld, was a police officer of the Bratislava police force who taught self-defense techniques to his men and Imi as his son also learned self-defense techniques. Imi himself was also an excellent athlete who got the title of European champion in various competitions such as boxing, wrestling and gymnastics.
その原型となる技術は、ハンガリーで生まれスロバキアで育ったユダヤ人、Imre "Imi" Lichtenfeld(イミ・リヒテンフェルド)によって考案された。彼の父親であるサミュエル・リヒテンフェルドは、ブラティスラバ警官隊の警部で、部下達に護身術や制圧術を教えており、息子であるイミも護身術を習った。またイミ自身はボクシング、レスリング、体操など様々な競技においてヨーロッパチャンピオンのタイトルを手にした優秀なアスリートだった。
In the late 1930s, he developed self-defense techniques in Eastern Europe where conflict was in the state. It systematized the technic and taught Jews living in Bratislava as a means of defense against devils of fascism adherents. In 1940, he escaped to Palestine from the Nazis. He arrived in Israel in 1942 after enlisting in the Czech army under the command of the British army.
Since 1944, Imi began teaching melee fighters to Israeli combatants and his technique was refined by being adopted by various Israel security forces such as Israel Defense Forces, police and Israel intelligence office.
In 1978, he established the Israel Krav Maga Association with his disciples, after which the International Krav Maga Federation was established. Currently, Krav Maga is also spreading to military and police officials and citizens around the world such as CIA, FBI, Sky Marshall, SWAT, GIGN and so on.
To the general lessons are focus on self defense and exercise, exclude murder techniques taught for military and police.